Friday, August 19, 2011

Thursday, Aug 18th, 2011. Drawing at the Academy of Science, SF, Nightlife.

Thursday, Aug 18, 2011.  I met with Melissa and Jason at the Academy of Sciences "Nightlife" to attend their special night of "Snakes and Lizards"!  I only saw them for a little while at the Snakes & Lizzies, and then lost them in the Aquarium after we were all shoo'ed out.  I'll ask them for sketches later.  I had such a good time I had to stay up late after I got home and post my results! The picture go backwards in time as you scroll down.
At Social, Brewery and Kitchen, 9th and Irving.
I really do like the roof structure of this place.  I only captured a portion of it.  I also really like the swoop of their balcony.

At Social, Brewery and Kitchen, 9th and Irving.
Their bar.  Not quite the drawing I intended, but then, I was a little tipsy by then.
Social is at 9th and Irving.

At Social, Brewery and Kitchen, 9th and Irving.
I had lost Melissa and Jason long before I left, so afterwards I went on to the local Brew Pub (9th and Irving) by my lonesome.  It's called SOCIAL now.  I don't even remember the other names it's had.  This is at least the third brew pub in this location.  I don't know why it's been so hard to keep a place open here.  I ordered the sampler, then wondered why they were so small and insubstantial.  Later I realized that these were free!  I no longer felt any way!  I had a full pint of their Double Doozy IPA and an order of Calamari.  I should have drawn the Cali' too, before I consumed them, but, oh well!  

The Cal Academy African Hall
Then, on my way out for the night, I passed through the diorama section of the Academy.  

On my way out I came across this cool turtle! Ok, actually a tortoise, specifically, a  radiated tortoise.  

Biding time in the pottery section and with the fishes...

I need a nap!

This guy at least looked a little different!  I would  have loved to draw him more, I really did not get the details right.

Again, the fascinating feet and hands!

This little guy was amazing!  before him I tried two two others that failed, but here they are in their horrible glory.

Who monitors the monitors?

My first Drawing.  A Rhinoceros Iguana.  The humaneness of his  hands (claws? Feet?) both fascinated and horrified me as I drew them.  Even the anatomy of his legs and arms is startlingly familiar.
 Jason Courtney's Waxy Monkey!

1 comment:

  1. I love your lizard drawings! I'm also terrible envious that you saw the radiated tortoise with its head and feet out. It was totally withdrawn when I saw it.
